10 Key Considerations When Outsourcing Software Development

Understanding Your Needs and Goals

At dreamcraft, we initiate every project with a thorough consultation phase. We invest time to understand your business goals, technical requirements, and desired outcomes to ensure our work aligns perfectly with your vision.

Choosing the Right Outsourcing Model

We offer flexible engagement models—dedicated teams, project-based contracts, or staff augmentation—to fit your project’s size, scope, and budget.

Evaluating Potential Partners

At dreamcraft, we welcome rigorous evaluation. Our portfolio showcases diverse projects, and we’re happy to provide client references to our expertise and reliability.

Communication and Cultural Compatibility

Our team is trained in effective communication and we prioritize transparency. We regularly schedule updates and check-ins that fit into our client’s time zone and preferred communication channels.

Expertise and Technical Skills

Our developers are experts in various technologies and stay updated with the latest trends. We encourage continuous learning, ensuring that our team is always equipped with cutting-edge skills.

Project Management Approach

We employ Agile methodologies in our project management, promoting flexibility, collaboration, and transparency. Clients are kept in the loop at every stage of the development process.

At dreamcraft we take legal and compliance seriously. Our contracts are clear, fair, and comprehensive, protecting the interests of all parties involved.

Data Security and Privacy

Data security is a top priority. We adhere to best practices and international standards to ensure your data remains protected at all times.

Pricing and Contract Terms

Our pricing is transparent and competitive, with no hidden costs. We work to establish contract terms that are mutually beneficial and based on clear deliverables.

Ongoing Relationship Management

At dreamcraft, we don’t just deliver a project and then disappear; we believe in building long-term partnerships with our clients. We offer ongoing support and are always available for future engagements.


Outsourcing software development is more than just a cost-saving strategy; it’s a powerful move that can propel your business forward. With us as your trusted partner, you gain more than a service provider—you gain a dedicated team committed to your success. We pride ourselves on fostering transparent, effective, and enduring relationships with all our clients, aiming to exceed expectations in every engagement. Together, we can turn your vision into impactful digital solutions that drive results and set your business apart in today’s competitive landscape.

Written by

Dragos Resetnic

I have over 15 years of experience in software development, with a particular focus on the Apple platform. My expertise lies in developing iOS applications for a wide range of clients. Along the way, I've had the opportunity to present technical talks and write articles on iOS/Swift, sharing my knowledge and insights with the community.